Sunday 30 June 2013

chapter of my scandalism and sugardaddyism.. hohoh

27 november 2013, Thursday



Fanny in the house yO..!!OMG..!! Nang pack jadual hari ni.. Ehh,,.. Bulak ku jak.. Hahha  duhal ptg tek 2 jak klas hari rabu.. Kwang3..BUT sampey kol 6.. Hmm.. klas CSC134 lh tu..


 Masuk je klas, potpet lah mulut mekorg.. Haiyo.. Macam budak2.. Tp im one of them.. Hahah dont mad, im being myself that time.. Dbei prnah munguk diem sau anyat bah.. Tp bla stdy ko fokus maa.. Hehe

 Masa in ko mnguk keduah man jawai.. Gem CHITIEY mawi ,geng melanau.. Hoho tak suka dok blakang coz cepat hilang fokus bila dah kat belakang..

Kuliah start from chapter 1 or basic introduction of computers.. Definition?? Component nya?? Advantages and disadvantages of  using computer?? Then, masuk part network & internet.. network dan internet adalah 2 benda yang berbeza.. For network, it is collection of computers and devices that connected together but for internet is collection of network.. Next, computer software. There are two type of software, they are system software and application software. Software td dapat di install dlam komputer. Installing is the process of setting up software to work with the computer, printer, and other hardware. #copypaste#



Terdapat 7 kategori komputer..

1.        Personal komputer

2.        Mobile computer and mobile devices

3.        Game consoles

4.        Servers

5.        Mainframes

6.        Supercomputers

7.        Embedded computers

 Next is elements of an information, ada 5 iaitu software, hardware, data, people and procedure.. Bak kata miss SP, tanpa people sapa gik mok pakey.. Ya lah mesti saling melengkapi..Heheh

Then, sambung topic 2 systems unit component..


The inside of the system unit on a personal computer are drive bay, power supply, sound card, video card, processor and memory. Apa drive bay ye??? Mcm pendrive kot.. Hmm

Mother board adalah circuit board utama untuk system unit. Processor, bkan professor (heheh) atau bleh dipggil central processing unit (CPU) , dapat meng"interpret" dan carries out the basic instruction that operate a computer. Processor terbahagi kepada 3 iaitu multi-core processor (bnyak), dual-core processor (dua) dan quad-core processor (4). Seterusnya,







Input devices untuk data, manakala output devices nya adalah information or maklumat.

Above shown a data representation ( American Standard code for information interchange).

Ehh... Kalo nak pakai code sbg code rahsia untuk buat diari or letter untuk kwn, grenti tak ckup 1 pages.. Ahahah


This is because a computer circuit represents the 0 or the 1 electronically by the presence or absence of an electrical charge.


Eight bits grouped together as a unit are called a byte. A byte represents a single character in the computer. Maksud nya 1 byte ada 8 bit.. Bak kata kwn sy, 1 gigitan ada 8 gigit.. Hahah


Ada banyak lagi ni.. Bnyak benda nk hafal.. Dah lah benda computer semua.. Huhu

Ok . Tak pe, life must go on.. Sambil mndengar lagu kita taip mnaip.. Kita sambung lagi ye..


Masuk part memory plak, memory mempunyai elektonik komponen yang dapat mnyimpan arahan or store instruction. Memory terdapat 2 jenis iaitu volatile and non-volatile memory.


 Untuk jnis volatile memory, apabila laptop tiba2 turned off, benda yg kita blom save akan hilang sbg contoh, RAM (random acces memory) baru sya tahu apa bnda RAM tu,  manakala untuk non-volatile memory, mmpunyai permanent memory and tak kan hilang kandungan memory tersebut..contohnya, ROM ( read only memory) n flash memory..

Next is PORTs and CONNECTORs.. nanti sy letak contoh gmbar… ye…





.. Sampai sini je lah segala cerita mengarut n segala benda yang sy pelajari dari CSC134 ni.. Kalo nak letak semua maklumat , semesti nya memanjang.. Kita jumpa lagi mggu depan.. Hohoho

                                                  XOXO.. MMMUAHH!!!


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